I know you can’t see me, but I’m pretty much bursting at the seams with what I’m going to share.
You’ve probably heard me talk a lot about loving your body, embracing yourself for who you are, and improving your self-worth. This will fit in perfectly with all of those themes.
But first, why is all this important anyway?
I believe the best way to approach health is from a holistic perspective — it’s not just about what you eat, or even just how you physically feel. Your mental health, your stress levels, and your emotions also affect your physical health (and vice versa, of course!).
That’s why I’ve worked so hard to address the health topics that sometimes get left on the back burner too often. Like body image, self-worth, and emotional wellness.
So I’m really excited to share about the awesome benefits I’ve experienced from learning how my clothes affect the way I feel.
In the last few months, I’ve been working to make sure that what I wear reflects my true self. I’m using the tools and tips I’ve learned in a really cool online style program.
If you’ve read anything I’ve written about body image, then you know I believe in wearing clothes that make you feel happy. Of course, sometimes that’s easier said than done!
That’s why I signed up for a free online beauty profiling program called Dressing Your Truth®.
I was intrigued by the idea that I could express a unique type of beauty, and this program seemed to go a little deeper than your typical style advice. Since it was free, I decided to go for it!
I had no idea just how much I would learn in this course, and how much it would help me on my journey to expressing my true self.
(You can sign up for the free quiz and Beginner’s Guide right now!)
At first, I thought I was just going learn some style advice that would make clothes shopping less frustrating. It definitely fulfilled that need, but in reality this course is about so much more than fashion — it’s about becoming who you’re really meant to be.
That, for me, was life-changing.
So, what exactly is Dressing Your Truth?
Dressing Your Truth is an online program designed to help you understand your true Type of beauty and become confident in expressing your individual nature.
But it’s not like other programs I’ve seen. It’s not about matching colors and “seasons” or skin tones.
Dressing Your Truth actually goes much deeper. You take into account your unique personality, body language, natural gifts, energy level, physical features, how you respond to certain situations, and how you interact with the world around you.
Basically, instead of just focusing on a few surface features, this online program takes into account the whole person.
You don’t just learn what to wear — you’re given the tools to learn how to work with your natural energy and Type of beauty.
You’ll learn to embrace who you are, and become confident in your unique set of strengths — and how to work with your strengths and appreciate them.
Then you learn to express that unique energy to the world through the way you dress and accessorize!
Take the quiz and get your FREE beginner’s guide here.
My Unique Type of beauty: DYT Type 3SM
When I first learned about Dressing Your Truth, I had a hard time discovering my true Type of beauty. It came at a difficult time in my life when I was struggling to understand who I really was. So at first when the answer didn’t come easily to me, I gave up.
Then, last fall, I decided to try the free Type of beauty profiling course again.
This time, I approached it with a more open mind.
I told myself I was going to go through the course carefully (instead of rushing through like I did before — that alone is a hint to my Energy Type!). And I promised I would be okay with myself no matter what type I was. I just wanted to be true to myself without any preconceptions or expectations getting in the way.
What happened?
I was blown away. This time my Type of beauty was completely obvious and I don’t know how I missed it before!
Actually, I do know how I missed it.
I always went through each of the Beauty Profiling videos thinking, “I’m definitely not a Type 3, so I’m going to ignore this part.”
It’s funny how I was ignoring what was right in front of me all along!
As it turns out, I am a Type 3 WomanSM.
That means I’m fiery, driven and sometimes fiercely independent. I have a big heart and bring a lot of passion to everything I do. I have an adventurous spirit and don’t like sitting still for too long — I like to see things getting done! I tend to be very swift and to-the-point when it comes to things I’m passionate about.
Being My True Type 3 Self
Before I realized my Type of beauty, I wasn’t being my true self. I was always trying to be who I thought I should be, or who other people told me I should be. I was burying my true self, and it felt suffocating!
Before, I thought my Type 3 characteristics were too big and too loud.
I felt like I needed to suppress my true energy. I tried to be softer and less spirited. That was completely the wrong thing to do! It zapped my confidence and my energy. I constantly doubted my true nature and questioned myself.
Now that I understand my true nature, I feel like I’m able to let my real self shine!
I used to wear softer, more subdued clothing because I thought that was the only way to be more feminine. Looking back, I can see how that didn’t work for my Type of beauty — I need rich, dynamic clothes!
My clothes used to weigh me down and made me feel tired.
Now, I feel energetic and totally gorgeous in my clothes! I feel alive when I get dressed.
Here are some of my favorites from my closet:
I can hardly believe those are my clothes!
I absolutely love my clothes now. Picking out something to wear is never complicated or frustrating. All of the pieces already go together because they all work with my type of beauty — I just get to pick out what calls to me that day.
As you can see in some of my pictures, I used a few key pieces more than once. I just style them differently and make a completely new outfit. I get so much more use out of my clothes this way. I can purchase just a handful of practical items that really express my Energy Type, and BAM! my whole wardrobe gets a refresh.
Take the quiz and get your FREE beginner’s guide here.
I actually find that I spend less money on clothes now that I know my Type of beauty.
That’s because I have a better idea of what expresses my type of beauty, so I can easily pick out which items will work in my wardrobe. I don’t need as many pieces of clothing because I really love what I have (nothing lurks in my closet and never gets worn!).
And if I go sale shopping I only come home with things that really work for me — no more wasting money on “discount” clothes I never wear.
I also learned how to “accessorize” — which has always been a struggle for me! I liked jewelry and belts, but I could never figure out what looked right on me, so I often gave up and didn’t wear any. It left me feeling a little blank. Once I learned what type of jewelry and belts expressed my true type of beauty, accessorizing became so easy and fun. As a Type 3, my accessories need to be rich, textured and dynamic.
I also found the courage to cut my hair short and color it red for the first time of my life — even though I’ve always wanted red hair since I was a little girl!
I’ve never felt so empowered about my appearance before. I feel like my whole life I’ve been hiding behind someone else’s image of me. Living in a way that expresses my true Type of beauty has made such a positive impact on the way I feel every day.
Because of what I learned in the course, I have total confidence when choosing colors, fabrics, textures, patterns, makeup, hair products, jewelry and everything in between. Fashion sense used to feel like a mystery to me, but now it’s easy to understand how it all goes together.
I admit: the whole process isn’t easy! I fought some of the changes at first (no black or gray? who doesn’t wear black or gray??). But once I gave it a try, every single change I’ve made has been so liberating for me. My husband noticed a complete turn around in the way I feel about my clothes and myself.
“Whatever you’re doing,” he said, “keep doing it!”
That is definitely my biggest endorsement for this course! 🙂
Take the quiz and get your FREE beginner’s guide here.
It’s More Than What You Wear
I know clothing can seem a little trivial. That’s what I used to think, anyway. But now I realize how wrong I was.
The truth is, getting dressed every day is an opportunity to be my true self.
It reminds me how important it is to be authentic to who I really am, even if I’m just running up to the store or going to a baseball game with the kiddos.
Why not be my true self everywhere I go? Why not be me every day?
How I dress every day is a little reminder to always be my true self, no matter what. And that’s priceless to me.
Are you living true to yourself? What are the clothes you wear expressing to the world about you? Have you taken the quiz yet?
Take the quiz and get your FREE beginner’s guide here.
Want some ideas and inspiration for your Type of beauty? Check out my Pinterest board full of awesome Dressing Your Truth Type 3SM ideas here.