Looking for some Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred Results?! Here’s my honest review!
I think Chloe runs 2 week shreds every year but to be specific, I did the 2019 two week shred. I don’t know why I chose the 2019 shred, it was on her homepage so it must be one of her more popular programs.
After the 2019 shred, I decided to do the 2020 shred. So do Chloe Ting workouts work? Spoiler: I thought it was good enough to do 2 shreds back to back!
Equipment required:
- 90% of Chloe’s program’s require no equipment, which is great for people working out from home. For better results on the booty exercises, I recommend getting a cheap booty band, although she has options without one.
- I use kitchen scales to make sure I am in a calorie deficit .
- This program focuses heavily on abs so if you want to lose weight and get more defined abs, this might be a good choice.
- I’m not that unfit or overweight and I found the challenge reasonably hard. If you are very overweight or unfit you might struggle.
Before Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred
These are my pictures before the 2 week program.
My weight and measurements are as follows:
- 134.26 pounds (60.9kg)
- Waist: 30.5 inches
- Hips: 35.5 inches
- Booty: 39.5 inches
- Thigh: 21 inches
- Arms 11 inches
Note: I am wearing a skims two piece bikini.
Diet while on Chloe Ting’s program
I decided to give myself the best chance of results, I wanted to be on a caloric deficit while doing the program. I always add Metamucil to my diet as it increases weight loss from my experience. I lost 10 pounds in the lead up to my trip to Africa but I gained it back 4.4 pounds (+2 kilos). *Sad face*
To work out your BMR you can see here. Mine with no exercise is 1,300 and 2,031 with Daily exercise with 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.
I will go with 2,031 to make the calculations. Provided I eat, on average no more than 1,000 calories a day, there will be a deficit of 7,000 in a week. Therefore, I should lose 1.9 pounds (0.9 kilos) in a week or 3.9 pounds (1.8 kilos) in the 2 week program. This means at the end of the 2 week program, I should be at 129.85 pounds (58.9 Kilos).
Day 1:
I ate a healthy diet and 1100 calories (ate 100 calories over budget)
I did the entire Chloe Ting 2 week program plus I added on youtube videos:
- 20 minute Chloe Ting butt building;
- 5 min body weight arm;
- 10 min light cardio walking video (the video is 20 minutes but I did half and had a coughing fit from drinking some water mid walk so I stopped)
There are a few reasons for this:
- Day 1’s program is short and I wanted to get an extra burn in; and
- I also wanted to tone an grow by butt and tone my arms, areas that were not included in Day 1’s program.
Day 2
Weight – 134.26 pounds (60.9 kg)
Calorie intake – 900 calories
My body was very sore from Day 1 of the challenge and it was hard to motivate myself to complete Day 2.
I managed to get my husband to do it with me and it helped with motivation. If you don’t have anyone at home to get to do the workout program with you, there is a section on the Chloe Ting website after you sign up where you can find a group of people to do challenges together and motivate each other, I thought this was pretty cool as I really needed motivation on Day 2.
If you need a buddy, I’m also happy to cheer you on. I’ll reply if you leave a comment below. Keep letting me know if you complete a day!
Unfortunately, my weight did not change today.
Weight – 60.9 kg (no loss)
I did the entire Chloe Ting 2 week program plus I added on youtube videos:
The below video is a staple of the 2 week shred program, you do this video almost every day. It is somewhat of a HIIT video.
Day 3
Weight – 133.15 pounds (60.4 kg)
Calories – 970
I was very happy because I woke up on day 3 with a 0.5kg weight loss. I was only a few days in and I was already seeing some results which is super motivating.
Aside from the optional workout (which are a 6 min warm up and a 10 min stretch) today is a rather intensive program with 4 Workouts and 50 Mins of scheduled activity.
I decided this would be too difficult to do in one go so I broke it up throughout the day.
As I was also interested in working my butt, I added in a 5 minute booty band workout into the mix. As far ads I can tell, Chloe only has 10 minute programs and I was too stuffed for a 10 minute butt workout.
I really felt like I progressing today and getting better at the workouts except for the 11 line abs because you do each exercise for longer.
Day 4
Weight – 132.71 pounds (60.2 kg)
Calories – 1100
I did a 6 km walk today so I found the videos quite hard in particular the HIIT style workout video.
I added a 5 min butt lift with booty bands. This is the video I selected.
Day 5 – Rest Day
Weight – 133.6 pounds (60.6 kg)
Calories – 920
I woke up with a higher weight which was sad, although I know that weight loss is not linear and your weight does fluctuate throughout the day/week.
Chloe schedules rest days throughout her program. I believe there is two within this program.
I wasn’t intending to do anything today but at the last minute I decided to go to the gym with my husband to work on back and booty seen as I didn’t feel like it was covered much in the program.
I did:
- 3 sets of 10 seated row machine (Back) with 10kg weights;
- 3 sets of 10 pulled row machine (Back) with 10kg weights;
- 3 sets of 10 Barbell Hip Thrusts with 10kg plus bar;
- 3 sets of 10 weighted donkey kick with 5kg;
- 3 sets of 10 weighted hip drive with 10kg plus bar; and
- 3 sets of weighted squats with 20kg plus bar.
Day 6
Weight – 133.3 pounds (60.5 kg)
Calories – 950
There was 3 videos today plus Chloe’s optional warmup and stretch. I felt like I did the abs and leg workout pretty well but was tired by the HIIT style workout and didn’t perform that well.
I also added on a 10 minute booty without with resistance bands and a 5 minute arm exercise.
Day 7
Weight – 133.15 pounds (60.4 kg)
Calories – 922
I was back to my day 3 weight.
Today was a hard Chloe Ting day as it included 2 ab workouts, 1 hit and 1 arms workout (50 minutes of work out not including the optional warm up and stretch).
50 minutes of work out does not sound like a lot but Chloe Ting’s workouts are pretty intense so this is a hard day of working out.
I also did this 10 minute booty workout.
I was eager and took a 7 day progress photo. Sadly, I didn’t think there was much progress. I even thought my before photo was slightly better LOL. Although, I think there might be slightly more definition in the abs?
Day 8
Weight – 134.26 pounds (60.5 kg)
Calories – 1020 calories
Weight wasn’t my friend today, I increased in weight, again!
I was feeling tired today but I still pushed myself to complete Day 8. I also continued with Day 3 of this 10 minute booty workout.
I also did this 5 min slim thigh work out with booty bands which killed.
Day 9 – Rest day
Weight – 132.7 pounds (60.2 kg)
Calories – 1000
Today Chloe had a scheduled rest day which I woke up happy with because I had a headache.
I was curious about Chloe’s booty program so I tried her build a booty workout today in my off day. I also did this 5 min back workout. I also did this 5 minute hip dip workout.
Day 10
Weight – 132.49 pounds (60.1 kg)
Calories – 818
I finally felt the workout were a bit easier today. Of course not dead easy but easier. And I was happy because my weight had finally start to shift downwards again.
It was a big Chloe Ting day so I only did one additional workout, this 5 minute inner thigh workout and it killed me and also this 5 min outer thigh burn.
Day 11
Weight – 132.05 pounds (59.9 kg)
Calories – 1000
There was only 2 compulsory videos today so I also did Chloe’s 30 min build a booty workout which low key killed me.
Day 12
Weight – 132.27 pounds (60 kg)
Calories – 900
Getting there! It was a big day on Chloe with 4 compulsory workouts but I added on this easy 10 minute pilates leg burn at the end.
Day 13
Weight – 132.05 pounds (59.9 kg)
Calories – 970 calories
Today I did the abs before the HIIT style workout and I struggled doing the HIIT so I would recommend doing the HIIT when you are more fresh.
I also did this 20 min Chloe butt challenge.
Day 14
Weight – 131.39 pounds (59.6 kg)
Calories – 1100
After Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred
These are my pictures after the 2 week program.
My weight and measurements are as follows:
- 131.39 pounds (59.6kg)
- Waist: 28.5 inches (-2 inches)
- Hips: 35 inches (-.05 inches)
- Booty: 39.5 inches (same!)
- Thigh: 20 inches (-1 inch)
- Arms 10 inches (-1 inch)
So in the end I only lost 2.8 pounds (1.3 kg), not 4.4 pounds (2 kg) as I had hoped but the results were really great as you can see I lost significant amount of inches.
Even though I didn’t lose 4.4 pounds (2kg)I was still really happy with the result.
Note: The next day I woke up at 130.5 pounds (59.2) so it was close to a 4.4 pounds (2 kg weight loss).
I was quite enjoying myself so I continued with Chloe Ting’s 2 week shred (2020)
Before Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred (2020)
These are my pictures before the 2 week program.
My weight and measurements are as follows:
- 130 pounds (59.2kg)
- Waist: 28.5 inches
- Hips: 35 inches
- Booty: 39.5 inches
- Thigh: 20 inches
- Arms 10 inches
Note: I am wearing a skims two piece bikini.
Equipment required:
- 90% of Chloe’s program’s require no equipment, which is great for people working out from home.
- The 2019 2 week shred requires no equipment but the 2020 shred does utilize a booty band for the butt and leg days. They also ultilise freehand weights.
- I use kitchen scales to make sure I am in a calorie deficit
Day 1:
Most people say the 2020 Chloe Ting 2 week shred is harder than the 2019 2 week shred and I think that’s probably true.
Chloe has made the moves more complex in the 2020 shred – which is sometimes a bit difficult for me because I’m really un-co.
I also found in comparison to the 2019 2 week shred, where I had energy for other workout videos after, I had no energy for finding more random youtube videos in the 2020 shred. Whether that is because I was doing the program back to back or whether it is because it is actually harder I am unsure.
One thing to note when comparing the 2 programs is the warm up video is exactly the same in both programs.
Weight – 130 pounds (59.2kg)
Calories – 950
Day 2
Weight – 130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 970
I really stoked as now I have dropped almost 4.4 pounds (2 kilos) since I started Chloe’s workout programs. I started on the 2019 shred and I continued to this one.
I also did this 5 minute bum exercise with booty bands and a 11 pound (5 kilo) weight on my stomach. It killed me, I would recommend it. I also did one of Bailey Browns 10 minute lean legs pilates workouts and one of her 5 minute butt lift workouts which was good.
Day 3
Weight – 130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 965
After being on a weight loss roll, I was a bit bummed that I stopped losing weight but that is the nature of the beast.
I was a bit tired (maybe because I went hard yesterday with the exercise so I didn’t do anything except Chloe’s program today and I was proud I did it (I didn’t feel like it!)
Day 4 – Rest Day
Weight – 130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 1200
Today was a Saturday for me so I had more calories than usual. I did 10,000 steps and I also did one of Chloe’s 30 min booty exercises from her butt program as I feel the shredded program doesn’t have a lot of booty work.
You need some weights and a booty band for Chloe’s booty programs.
Day 5
Weight – 130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 970
Today was a really intense ab day with 3 videos dedicated to abs and her HIIT video incorporating a lot of ab work too. It was really hard and I dreaded doing it but I made it through YAY!
On a sad note, my weight is not budging.
Day 6
Weight – 130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 1000
Still no budge on my weight. I have been feeling a lot stronger doing the exercises.
Day 7 – Rest Day
Weight – 130.9 pounds (59.4kg)
Calories – 1000
I went up in weight today which I was really mad about!
Today was a rest day on Chloe’s program. There are 3 rest days in the 2020 program as opposed to only 2 rest days in the 2019 program.
I didn’t feel like I needed a rest so I took the opportunity to work on areas that I didn’t think were covered as much in Chloe’s program.
I did a:
- Chloe Ting 10 min back and arms
- Chloe Ting 10 min love handles workout
- Chloe Ting 16 min build a booty workout
As you can see in my before and after shots, love handles are something that I unfortunately have right now. While you an’t spot reduce, I do believe you can tighten and tone areas so I tend to focus on areas which I either want to tighten and tone or build.
I also really enjoy Chloe’s rest days as I take it as an opportunity to try out any of her videos (or other people’s videos) that appeal to me. When you are on a set program, you don’t have the luxury of choosing videos that appeal to you, which I appreciate can be a good thing, but it is also nice to have freedom to choose a few appealing videos too!
Day 8
Weight -130 pounds (59kg)
Calories – 1000
Today was a “fun full body burn” which lasted about 26 mins and wasn’t “fun” at all. I must say I quite enjoyed abusing Chloe throughout this exercise – Sorry Chloe! It was hard. I was starting to wonder why people said the 2020 program was harder than the 2019 and now I know.
The 2020 program really builds in intensity throughout the program. I was so spent after this day. It was really epic.
The plank challenge was also not my fav because it was hard!!
Day 9
Weight – 129.6 pounds (58.8kg)
Calories – 980
I woke up very happy today because I had finally broken my weight streak and was under 59 kgs something kgs with a lot of blood sweat and tears.
Today was an easier workout but I was experiencing quite a lot of burn out.
Day 10
Weight – 129.6 pounds (58.8kg)
Calories – 900
I was feeling a lot stronger today and I completed the “fun full body burn” with a lot less difficulty than when I previously completed it.
The plank exercise was still really intense.
I also did this 5 minute glute bridge workout.
Day 11 – Rest Day
The first time in the program I took a proper rest as I felt totally spent!
Day 12
Weight – 129.6 pounds (58.8kg)
Calories – 1000
Chloe had another one of her epic 25 minute workouts today and it killed me – it doesn’t seem to be getting much easier! I chose not to add weights to the leg workout as I was so spent.
Day 13
Weight – 129.6 pounds (58.8kg)
Calories – 1000
Today was a little easier in the sense that I only had to do a 15 minute HIIT routine of Chloe’s – thank goodness!!
Chloe also included a new video today – BEST 10 min Lower Abs which I really liked. A few of the exercises were a bit challenging but overall I thought this was a really fun workout. As fun as dying can be. I felt the burn on my lower pooch!
Because it was a short and easier day in Chloe Land, I also did this 7 minute leg routine (which was quite easy but enjoyable) and this 5 minute butt lift (which I found hard). It’s interesting because I feel like this butt lift wasn’t as hard when I was less fit. I think it is the mind muscle connection that I now have that helps.
Day 14
Weight – 129.4 pounds (58.7kg)
Calories – 1100
The last day of the program was really hard with over 60 minutes of compulsory videos.
Chloe’s 25 minute HIIT style workout was hard but luckily not as hard as the previous days which hopefully means I am progressing.
I really liked the “6 Pack Abs Workout” which was the first time I saw this routine in the challenge. The 2020 program is a lot more varied and has a greater mix of workout videos than the 2019 program which is nice.
After Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred (2020)
These are my pictures after the 2 week program.
My weight and measurements are as follows:
- 129.4 pounds (58.7kg)
- Waist: 28 inches (-0.5 inches)
- Hips: 34 inches (-1 inch)
- Booty: 39 inches (-0.5 inch)
- Thigh: 20 inches (same)
- Arms 10 inches (-same)
So in the end I only lost 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg), the results were really great as you can see I lost a decent amount of inches. I also felt that my fitness level improved
Note: The next day I weighed myself at 127.8 pounds (58kgs) so in reality I lost around 2.6 (1.2 kilos) from start to finish.
Results after 2 shreds
I think there are some noticeable results after Chloe’s 2 week shred. I’m not the biggest person so I think my changes will be smaller than if you’re larger.
I think it was worth it, do you?
Bett is living her best Nourished Life which is chemical free and non toxic! I will help you find the best alternatives to help your family be the healthiest versions of themselves!
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